A quick post just to say happy new year to you very few people who check out my blog. I hope that you've had a good holiday and that you're looking forward to 2012! I've done some gaming over the holidays and will certainly be updating my blog very shortly with some new content...particularly a review of La-Mulana which I FINALLY managed to finish!
In the meantime, I just wanted to post links to a few graphics that caught my eye as of late:
Nintendo Anthology - A nifty art piece that contains over 300 different video game characters. Although it says "Nintendo" anthology, there are other characters in this thing that aren't Nintendo-only. It's pretty cool if you want to just scan through and see if you can find your favourite characters! My only complaint is that Mike from StarTropics is missing...but alas, you can't win 'em all!
Ye Olde Mario World - A fuckin' sweet t-shirt design on SplitReason, depicting the overworld of Super Mario World as an old-style navigation map. It's only in the voting stage right now, but it's gotten a lot of positive feedback. I definitely plan on snagging this once it's available, whether it be a t-shirt or a poster design. Submit your vote for it if you like the design!
Like I said, that review of La-Mulana will be coming up sometime shortly, so check back soon!