Friday, March 25, 2011

A couple of quick items...

Just a couple of things that I thought I would comment about today:

1) I found this interesting watch on YouTube called Sequelitis: Castlevania 1 vs. Castlevania 2. It's a 15-minute long video detailing the differences between the two CV games that's not only interesting, but also pretty damn hilarious. It's made by a guy going by the moniker of EgoRaptor, and he also manages to create other gems such as the Awesome series; basically a series of quick shorts making fun of specific video games. Probably the most hilarious example of this is Awesome Reach. Check it out when you get a chance!

2) Announced today, Duke Nukem Forever has been delayed by about a month. There is a metric pisston of people out there crying about it, but the fact of the matter is that Gearbox will add that extra bit of polish on it in the extra amount of time and make it the best product they can upon release. They wouldn't delay it unless they had to, so whoever the hell is out there freaking out about it and saying Gearbox are retards should probably continuously slam their head between the toilet bowl and seat until June 14th, the new release date for DNF in North America. Fact is that we're finally getting this game, and an extra month after 13 YEARS of pseudo-development is nothing to be whining about like a baby. When He finally appears to us and brings us into His good graces, Duke's beautiful resurrection will be nothing short of awe-inspiring! PRAISE BE TO NUKEM, FOR HE IS THE ONE THAT SHALL LEAD US TO TRUE GLORY!!!

(unless this turns out to be a week-early April Fool's joke and it's actually coming out on time...but it seems doubtful)

That's it for now!

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